SimChase Event Season 3 The Sims Freeplay
Lanjutan dari SimChase season sebelumnya, Ini adalah SimChase Season 3 The sims Freeplay dengan judul "Summer Daze!"
Disini kamu diminta untuk mengerjakan beberapa tugas yang diberikan dengan batasan waktu 24 jam/1 hari. kamu bisa skip tugas ini dengan menggunakan SP (Social Point).
Kamu akan mendapatkan hadiah disetiap season nya, seiap kali kamu menyelesaikan 1 season, kamu mendapatkan 1 hadiah. Jika dilihat, ada 2 jenis hadiah disini, yaitu berupa Chase Token, dan hadiah lain berupa Meja, kursi, Sofa, Recliner, Dress, Sepatu, model rambut keren!
Tapi tidak semudah itu...
Dalam quest ini, kamu minta untuk menyelesaikan tugas tugas yang diberikan sebelum RIVAL (Musuh) kamu menyelesaikannya terlebih dahulu. Jadi ini semacam perlombaan. Jika kamu lambat dalam menyelesaikan Quest, maka kamu tidak akan mendapatkan Hadiah.
Sebenernya kita juga kurang paham mengenai RIVAL ini, yang jelas yang harus kamu lakukan adalah menyelesaikan tugas sebelum dia. Progress si RIVAL ada di atas progress sim kamu, lihat pada gambar.
Chase Token = Berguna untuk melakukan Spin yang bisa dilakukan di SimChase Menu bagian Roadworks.
SimChase Menu =
Berisikan 3 tab yaitu:
- Season Tab: Berisikan tugas yang harus dilakukan sim, progres, dan hadiah disetiap seasonnya
- Roadworks Tab: berisikan Spin
- Info: informasi tentang isi dari hadiah Spin
Kita belum jelas jjuga apa saja guna dari barang barang yang ada di SPIN. Kami akan menjelaskannya saat kaami telah memahaminya.
Pertama kamu akan mendapatkan popup dan silahkan klik "Start Chase"
Check-In At The Nightclub *4 second = Klik Kam Ham yang ada di Nightclub, pilih "SimChase Check-in"
Go To SimChase Menu = Klik SimChase Menu pada lingkar biru seperti digambar.
Disana terdapat beberapa tugas yang harus kamu selesaikan sebelum 24 jam dan sebelum RIVAL menyelesaikannya terlebih dahulu.
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Phone a friend! Who can help your sim find the next clue? organize 6 sims to phone for help finding the clue. 0/6 clues found *3 hours = Klik telpon, pilih "phone friend to find clue" perintahkan 6 sim sekaligus untuk menghemat waktu.
Foggy Flashback! Who can most accurately recollect what they did last summer? Have a sim write about last summer on a computer *6 minutes = Klik komputer, pilih "Recollect last summer"
Stealth Mastery! have your sim learn how to stealthy from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik sim dengan simbol SimChase yang ada di taman kota, klik salah satu pilihanya. disini kamu harus mengeluarkan biaya berupa simoleons atau SP untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Kamu bisa memilih yang mana saja, semakin mahal biayanya, semakin cepat waktu penyelesaiannya.
Summer swimwear! A clue has been hidden amongst a selection of swimsuits. Have a sim search a wardrobe for clues *6 minutes = Klik wardrobe/lemari, pilih "search swimsuits"
Hot food chalenge! From fridge, have your sim eat wasabi *6 minutes = Klik kulkas, pilih "eat wasabi"
Check-In with SimChase's hirsute host, Kam Ham at Nightclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Fridge sorting! construct the food pyramid in the fridge! Organize 7 sim to stack food in fridges. 0/7 fridge sorted *3 hours = Klik kulkas, pilih "stack food"
Timezone Turmoil! are we using SimTown staandart time or universal simcity time? have your sim solve the timezone riddle at a computer *1 hours = Klik komputer, pilih "solve timezone riddle"
Finance Mastery! Another day, another simoleon! Lern finances from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Too much latitude! have your sim deciper the hidden message located on a globe *1 hours = Klik globe, pilih "Decipher globe message"
Find 27 hidden charms by searching household object. Up to 9 sim can help. Quick complete to get exttra charms! 0/27 charms found *3 hours = Klik barang barang yang ada di rumah sim seperti kursi, rak buku, tv, dll, pilih "Find the hidden charm". Perintahkan hingga 9 sim untuk melakukan tugas ini agar bisa menghemat waktu.
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Clues are hidden on a network! on computers organize 9 sim to hack for SimChase clues. 0/9 clues hacked *2 hours = Klik komputer, pilih "hack for clues"
Blazing boats! can your sim gloat by having the fastest boat? have your sim win a summer boat raace with the RC boat in the park *1 hours = Klik RC boat yang ada di taman kota, pilih "win summer race"
Bluff Mastery! have our sim leaarn bluff from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Something fishiy! A clue's hidden amongst the summer fish! Have your sim fish for the clue at the pier in the park *6 hours = Klik tempat memancing yang ada di taman kota, pilih "fiish for summer clue"
1000 to 1! At a bookshelf, have your sim find the clue in the 1000 page book im a bookshelf *1 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "1000 pages book clue"
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Caffein Crafting! organize 9 sim to craft cappucinos from coffe maker! 0/9 Cappucinos brewed *2 hours = Klik coffe machine, pilih "cappucino"
Sunny salads! who can create the tastiest warm salad? have your sim create a warm summer salad at a stove *2 hours = klik kompor, pilih "creat warm summer"
Massage Mastery! Have your sim master massage from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Kam Ham and insect industry. Where's the golden cricket? have your sim find the golden cricket in tthe reads near the ducks in the park *6 hours = Klik bebek yang ada di danau di taman kota, pilih "find golden cricket"
Clueless memories! A photo wiith a clue needs to be found! have your sim search for the lost photo in a bookshelf *1 hour = Klik rak buku, pilih "find lost photo"
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Riddle me this. Organize 18 sims to solve 'SimChase Riddle' books from a bookshelf. 0/18 books solved *3 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "solve SimChase Riddle", perintahkan 18 sim sekaligus untuk melakukan tugas ini agar menghemat waktu
Seafood spread! can your sim serve up the perfect summer prawn? have a sim cook prawns on BBQ *17 hours = Klik BBQ, pilih "cook prawns"
Knitting Mastery! have your sim knitting mastery from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Frozen waters! an ultimate test of grift! in a bathtub, have your sim endure an ice bath *5 hours = Klik bathtub, pilih "endure ice bath"
Puzzled? Have up to 9 sims search household object to find 27 puzze pieces. Quick complete to get extra pieces! 0/27 puzzle pieces found. *3 hours = Klik barang barang yang ada di rumah sim seperti kursi, rak buku, tv, dll, pilih "Find puzzle pieces". Perintahkan hingga 9 sim untuk melakukan tugas ini agar bisa menghemat waktu
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Cake conundrum! Organize 12 sim to bake convoluted cakes in ovens. 0/12 convoluted cakes baked *2 hours = Klik kompor, pilih "bake convoluted cake" perintahkan 12 sim sekaligus agar cepat selesai
Brain freeze! have your sim survive a summer sundae from a fridge to see if they're the ice-cream of the crop! *3 hours = Klik kulkas, pilih "survive summer sundae"
Elocution Mastery! have your sim master elocution from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
A new degree of difficulty! a clue is hidden in a centigrade conundrum. have your sim solve the kelvin clue from bookshelf *3 hours 30 minutes = Klik rak buku, pilih "solve kelvin clue"
Hacker Skillz! have your sim decrypt a SimChase email at a computer *3 hours 30 minutes= Klik komputer, pilih "decrypt email"
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Defining couplets! on a couch, organize 21 sims to find all the riddle solution. 0/21 solution devised *3 hours = Klik sofa, pilih "devise solution"
Beaches abound! can your sim find the photo clue? ave your sim search a bookshelf for the clue. *3 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "search for beach photo"
Make-Up Mastery! have your sim master make up from commodore Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Commodore Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
No nodding off! have your sim endure a movie marathon from a TV *6 hours = Klik TV, pilih "endure movie marathon"
Clever Cartographer! Have up yo 9 sim search household object for 36 torn map pieces. Quick Complete to get extr pieces! 0/36 dust bunnies found = Klik barang barang yang ada di rumah sim seperti kursi, rak buku, tv, dll, pilih "Find torn map pieces". Perintahkan hingga 9 sim untuk melakukan tugas ini agar bisa menghemat waktu
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Disini kamu diminta untuk mengerjakan beberapa tugas yang diberikan dengan batasan waktu 24 jam/1 hari. kamu bisa skip tugas ini dengan menggunakan SP (Social Point).
Kamu akan mendapatkan hadiah disetiap season nya, seiap kali kamu menyelesaikan 1 season, kamu mendapatkan 1 hadiah. Jika dilihat, ada 2 jenis hadiah disini, yaitu berupa Chase Token, dan hadiah lain berupa Meja, kursi, Sofa, Recliner, Dress, Sepatu, model rambut keren!
Dalam quest ini, kamu minta untuk menyelesaikan tugas tugas yang diberikan sebelum RIVAL (Musuh) kamu menyelesaikannya terlebih dahulu. Jadi ini semacam perlombaan. Jika kamu lambat dalam menyelesaikan Quest, maka kamu tidak akan mendapatkan Hadiah.
Sebenernya kita juga kurang paham mengenai RIVAL ini, yang jelas yang harus kamu lakukan adalah menyelesaikan tugas sebelum dia. Progress si RIVAL ada di atas progress sim kamu, lihat pada gambar.
Chase Token = Berguna untuk melakukan Spin yang bisa dilakukan di SimChase Menu bagian Roadworks.
SimChase Menu =
Berisikan 3 tab yaitu:
- Season Tab: Berisikan tugas yang harus dilakukan sim, progres, dan hadiah disetiap seasonnya
- Roadworks Tab: berisikan Spin
- Info: informasi tentang isi dari hadiah Spin
Kita belum jelas jjuga apa saja guna dari barang barang yang ada di SPIN. Kami akan menjelaskannya saat kaami telah memahaminya.
Berikut cara menyelesaikan SimChase The Sims Freeplay Season 3 "Summer Daze":
Pertama kamu akan mendapatkan popup dan silahkan klik "Start Chase"
Check-In At The Nightclub *4 second = Klik Kam Ham yang ada di Nightclub, pilih "SimChase Check-in"
Go To SimChase Menu = Klik SimChase Menu pada lingkar biru seperti digambar.
Disana terdapat beberapa tugas yang harus kamu selesaikan sebelum 24 jam dan sebelum RIVAL menyelesaikannya terlebih dahulu.
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Phone a friend! Who can help your sim find the next clue? organize 6 sims to phone for help finding the clue. 0/6 clues found *3 hours = Klik telpon, pilih "phone friend to find clue" perintahkan 6 sim sekaligus untuk menghemat waktu.
Stealth Mastery! have your sim learn how to stealthy from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik sim dengan simbol SimChase yang ada di taman kota, klik salah satu pilihanya. disini kamu harus mengeluarkan biaya berupa simoleons atau SP untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Kamu bisa memilih yang mana saja, semakin mahal biayanya, semakin cepat waktu penyelesaiannya.
Summer swimwear! A clue has been hidden amongst a selection of swimsuits. Have a sim search a wardrobe for clues *6 minutes = Klik wardrobe/lemari, pilih "search swimsuits"
Hot food chalenge! From fridge, have your sim eat wasabi *6 minutes = Klik kulkas, pilih "eat wasabi"
Check-In with SimChase's hirsute host, Kam Ham at Nightclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode 1 Completed. Hadiah untuk Episode 1 ini adalah sebuah Chase Token yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk Spin. coba lakukan spin di Roadworks Tab dan klik Spin.
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Fridge sorting! construct the food pyramid in the fridge! Organize 7 sim to stack food in fridges. 0/7 fridge sorted *3 hours = Klik kulkas, pilih "stack food"
Finance Mastery! Another day, another simoleon! Lern finances from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Too much latitude! have your sim deciper the hidden message located on a globe *1 hours = Klik globe, pilih "Decipher globe message"
Find 27 hidden charms by searching household object. Up to 9 sim can help. Quick complete to get exttra charms! 0/27 charms found *3 hours = Klik barang barang yang ada di rumah sim seperti kursi, rak buku, tv, dll, pilih "Find the hidden charm". Perintahkan hingga 9 sim untuk melakukan tugas ini agar bisa menghemat waktu.
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode 2 Completed. Hadiah untuk Episode 2 ini adalah sebuah meja beserta kursinya yang bisa kamu temukan di Home Store bagian Kitchen
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Clues are hidden on a network! on computers organize 9 sim to hack for SimChase clues. 0/9 clues hacked *2 hours = Klik komputer, pilih "hack for clues"
Blazing boats! can your sim gloat by having the fastest boat? have your sim win a summer boat raace with the RC boat in the park *1 hours = Klik RC boat yang ada di taman kota, pilih "win summer race"
Bluff Mastery! have our sim leaarn bluff from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Something fishiy! A clue's hidden amongst the summer fish! Have your sim fish for the clue at the pier in the park *6 hours = Klik tempat memancing yang ada di taman kota, pilih "fiish for summer clue"
1000 to 1! At a bookshelf, have your sim find the clue in the 1000 page book im a bookshelf *1 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "1000 pages book clue"
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode 3 Completed. Hadiah untuk Episode 3 ini adalah sebuah Chase Token yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk Spin. coba lakukan spin di Roadworks Tab dan klik Spin.
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Caffein Crafting! organize 9 sim to craft cappucinos from coffe maker! 0/9 Cappucinos brewed *2 hours = Klik coffe machine, pilih "cappucino"
Sunny salads! who can create the tastiest warm salad? have your sim create a warm summer salad at a stove *2 hours = klik kompor, pilih "creat warm summer"
Massage Mastery! Have your sim master massage from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Kam Ham and insect industry. Where's the golden cricket? have your sim find the golden cricket in tthe reads near the ducks in the park *6 hours = Klik bebek yang ada di danau di taman kota, pilih "find golden cricket"
Clueless memories! A photo wiith a clue needs to be found! have your sim search for the lost photo in a bookshelf *1 hour = Klik rak buku, pilih "find lost photo"
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode 4 Completed. Hadiah untuk Episode 4 ini adalah sebuah Chase Token yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk Spin. coba lakukan spin di Roadworks Tab dan klik Spin.
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Riddle me this. Organize 18 sims to solve 'SimChase Riddle' books from a bookshelf. 0/18 books solved *3 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "solve SimChase Riddle", perintahkan 18 sim sekaligus untuk melakukan tugas ini agar menghemat waktu
Seafood spread! can your sim serve up the perfect summer prawn? have a sim cook prawns on BBQ *17 hours = Klik BBQ, pilih "cook prawns"
Knitting Mastery! have your sim knitting mastery from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
Frozen waters! an ultimate test of grift! in a bathtub, have your sim endure an ice bath *5 hours = Klik bathtub, pilih "endure ice bath"
Puzzled? Have up to 9 sims search household object to find 27 puzze pieces. Quick complete to get extra pieces! 0/27 puzzle pieces found. *3 hours = Klik barang barang yang ada di rumah sim seperti kursi, rak buku, tv, dll, pilih "Find puzzle pieces". Perintahkan hingga 9 sim untuk melakukan tugas ini agar bisa menghemat waktu
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode 5 Completed. Hadiah untuk Episode 5 ini adalah sebuah sofa yang bisa kamu temukan di home store
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Cake conundrum! Organize 12 sim to bake convoluted cakes in ovens. 0/12 convoluted cakes baked *2 hours = Klik kompor, pilih "bake convoluted cake" perintahkan 12 sim sekaligus agar cepat selesai
Brain freeze! have your sim survive a summer sundae from a fridge to see if they're the ice-cream of the crop! *3 hours = Klik kulkas, pilih "survive summer sundae"
Elocution Mastery! have your sim master elocution from captain Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Captain Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
A new degree of difficulty! a clue is hidden in a centigrade conundrum. have your sim solve the kelvin clue from bookshelf *3 hours 30 minutes = Klik rak buku, pilih "solve kelvin clue"
Hacker Skillz! have your sim decrypt a SimChase email at a computer *3 hours 30 minutes= Klik komputer, pilih "decrypt email"
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode 6 Completed. Hadiah untuk Episode 6 ini adalah sebuah Chase Token yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk Spin. coba lakukan spin di Roadworks Tab dan klik Spin.
Episode selanjutnya akan dimulai setelah 24 jam (sisa waktu)
SimChase rule refresher! Have your sim read the SimChase Rulebook from a Bookshelf *2 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "SimChase Rules"
Defining couplets! on a couch, organize 21 sims to find all the riddle solution. 0/21 solution devised *3 hours = Klik sofa, pilih "devise solution"
Beaches abound! can your sim find the photo clue? ave your sim search a bookshelf for the clue. *3 hours = Klik rak buku, pilih "search for beach photo"
Make-Up Mastery! have your sim master make up from commodore Know-It-All in the park. Learning Higher Mastery levels take less time! = Klik Commodore Know-it-All yang ada di taman kota
No nodding off! have your sim endure a movie marathon from a TV *6 hours = Klik TV, pilih "endure movie marathon"
Clever Cartographer! Have up yo 9 sim search household object for 36 torn map pieces. Quick Complete to get extr pieces! 0/36 dust bunnies found = Klik barang barang yang ada di rumah sim seperti kursi, rak buku, tv, dll, pilih "Find torn map pieces". Perintahkan hingga 9 sim untuk melakukan tugas ini agar bisa menghemat waktu
Check-in with SimChase's hirsuite host. Kam Ham at the Nighclub *5 seconds = Klik Kam Ham yang ada ddi Nightclub, pilih "Simchase Chek-In"
Episode 7 Completed. Hadiah untuk Episode 7 ini adalah beberapa model rambut baru dan dress cantik!