Menyelesaikan A Puppy Odyssey Quest
TIME LIMIT: 7 hari
TIME LIMIT PRIZE:Puppy and kitten outfits, yang bisa ditemukan di Pet Salon.
UNLOCK = Puppy dan kittens (bisa dibeli di pet store).
Internet Kitten hobby = kamu memerlukan Kitten dan Kitten Play Box (beli di promotion r us) untuk memulai hobby ini
Pupy Pals Hobby = kamu memerlukan puppy dan Puppy Play Mat (bisa di beil si promotion r us bagian hobby) untuk memulai hobby ini
Berikut cara menyelesaikan A Puppy Odyssey QuestThe Sims Freeplay
Say hello to the small dog *1 minute = klik puppy, pilih "Approach"
Pet the small dog in the park *45 minutes = klik puppy
Read the puppy’s collar *5 minutes = klik puppy
Wait for the owner at the park *9 hours = klik bangku taman pilih "wait for owner"
Pick up the puppy *4 seconds = klik puppy
Return home with the puppy = perintahkan sim pulang ke rumah
Let the puppy on the ground *3 seconds = klik pada sim yang sedang menggendong puppy, pilih "put pet on ground"
Check lost puppy ads on a computer *9 hours = klik komputer, pilih "lost puppy ads"
Buy a food dish = Beli food bowl (wadah makan anjing) di home store bagian pets
Check a refrigerator for puppy food *4 minutes = klik Kulkas, pilih "check for puppy food"
Read a book on puppies *19 hours = klik rak buku, pilih "puppy book"
Check voice messages *4 minutes = klik telpon pilih "Check Voice message"
Call back the number *4 minutes = klik telpon pilih "call back number"
Sit with the puppy *19 hours = klik puppy, pilih "pick up", lalu klik pada sofa, pilih "sit with puppy"
Greet Osiris *5 minutes = klik alien, pilih "Greet".
Show the puppy to Osiris *3 seconds = Klik tanda X, pilih "Place Puppy"
Pet the puppy goodbye *15 hours 15 minutes = klik puppy
Stay out of the way *2 minutes 24 seconds = klik kursi, pilih "stay out of way".
Pet the kitten *10 minutes = klik pada kucing, pilih "pet"
Tell Osiris about the puppy *10 hours 15 minutes = klik alien, pilih "talk about puppy"
Check the pet store = klik pada gedung pet store
Say goodbye to Osiris *14 hours 15 minutes = klik alien, pilih "say good bye"
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Klik disini untuk melihat daftar quest The Sims Freeplay dan cara menyelesaikannya
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